April 2004

My First Crush

Of course I could never forget him. My first crush! I was only 7 years old too! This dark-skinned but extremely attractive guy about two years older than me. He was a good friend of my male cousin and we were from the same school. He was from a place about five minutes from where we lived, basically in the same city. We both were also in the same school. I thought I would have something special with him but he probably just regarded me as little Josh’s gay cousin kid! We would pass each other in the corridor and it was like the East wind making its course without giving regards to the West wind! But I really had this big crush on him no matter what!

No wonder little gay boy me would make sure that during dismissal I would wait outside their room or take a peek inside to see if he was there. It seemed that seeing him always made my day. Because I was still in Kindergarten then we were usually the first to dismiss and this worked real well to my advantage. 

This was a true testament that at such a young age I was already very feminine in many ways. Believe me I thought of him a lot when I was in my own room and how I wished I had a picture of him. I told my cousins about my crush on him and they lost no time in spreading it like the media does LOL. I thought I would have a secret here with me but everybody eventually got to know it.

It seems that my first crush reminds me of so many things. He reminded me that at one point in our life we were so idealistic. We thought real love was easy to find. We thought there really was pure love. My first crush also reminded me of my innocence. Nothing was dirty about my attraction for the guy. I liked him a lot and there was nothing to that. He was also a reminder that it was possible to cross boundaries and fall for someone society would deem improper or not (to hell with norms!) against all odds. 

