Movie Reviews... Admit One

Clubhouse Clint...

Superman    Matrix    Star Trek    James Bond    Erin

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) - An over-the-top visual-effects...
Johnny English (2003) - Atkinson is arguably the funniest man working in...
Identity (2003) - A movie that successfully navigates the line between...
Hollywood Homicide  (2003) - Harrison Ford has a weathered and over-used...
Bruce Almighty (2003) - The film sees a nice chap called Bruce (Jim Carrey)...
Catch Me If You Can (2002) - Well, I put off watching this movie because I...
Phone Booth (2003) - Most of Phone Booth  focuses on the main character inside...
Terminator 3 (2003) - You know, I just don't get it with these time travelling chaps...
Road to Perdition (2002) - Beautiful photography and a good performance by Newman...

Along Came a Spider (2001 )- Above-average, well directed and taut thriller... 

About me... Hi, I'm Clint, and I have been asked to do a movie review column for, or more specifically the magazine that accompanies it: The Clubhouse. I am a writer based in Asia and Europe, and I have been widely published worldwide. I enjoy watching movies, and have written at length on this genre for many years. 

Email the stogie at [email protected]